Zachary will run into Mr. Jefferson's classroom, saying that something is going on at the dormitories. Kate will later be deeply thankful, as evident from her messages, although it does not have any effect on the rest of the episode, as Max later travels back in time again. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies as part of our overall. Feminino Defender a Kate do David, encoraj-la em sua deciso inicial de denunciar o ocorrido para a polcia e atender a ligao dela mais cedo contribuem para que ela acredite nas suas intenes, mas ela ainda pode ser salva sem estas decises tomadas se voc fizer as escolhas certas no dilogo. She comments that she gave most of the flowers away to other patients, believing they needed them more than her. The Bible quote is the make or break option. The cookie is used to store and identify a users' unique session ID for the purpose of managing user session on the website. Os desenhos parecem deix-la com mais esperanas para o futuro. Adicionalmente, as placas dos quartos foram reescritas com mensagens de "Descanse em Paz" e condolncias Kate, enquanto outros alunos da Blackwell deixaram mensagens de arrependimento na placa do quarto dela e em sua rede social. Queria poder ajud-la, mas mal posso ajudar a mim mesma. Os desenhos mostram um anjo com o rosto coberto de sangue, uma rvore com uma forca e tambm as palavras "LIXO" e "TO SOZINHA". First, she tries to stop the time, but, she is being hurt all the time. Um novo desenho aparecer no lugar do antigo adesivo com a palavra "VIDA". Atender a ligao far Max causar uma discusso entre Chloe e sua me, algo de que Chloe ir se queixar mais tarde, mas ela tambm poder confortar a Kate. It was Nathan who killed Rachel and Chloe. No fim, ela entendeu que h vrias pessoas que a amam e se importam com ela. It sucks to be dragged into the spotlight.said to Max in Mr. Jefferson's art class in "Chrysalis", I'm already on the internet forever. No banheiro, Kate pede de volta Max sua cpia do "O Pas do Outubro". Kate pede para passar um tempo com a Max mais tarde. In the first scene in class, after the nightmare intro, someone throws a ball of paper at Kate. :p this one was a hard one to do, even you are in the production si. Hospital Room - Life Is Strange, Gary jamroz-palma : concept art for the hospital room used for Chloe and Kate . Ao sair para encontrar a Chloe, Max fala com Dana que mostra estar com remorso, e descobre que a Victoria e a Taylor ainda esto bastante abaladas aps a tentativa de suicdio da Kate. This cookie is installed by Google Analytics. If Max chooses to find more proof, Kate will be distraught by this. "Estou meio de saco cheio da humanidade hoje Me desculpe por fazer tanto drama." Same goes for Max and Victoria. Explore katemarshlifeisstrange Popular this century Next Ela pede que Max tire as fotografias que estaro no livro dela. She is also very grateful towards Max for coming up to the rooftop to talk to her, because she was feeling lost and alone all the time, but Max's caring and trying showed her that she wasn't. Next up is Kate marsh! O trabalho de Kate na organizao Refeies em Rodas foi mostrado no KBAY 7, o canal de notcias local de Arcadia Bay, de acordo com o arquivo escolar dela. Adicionalmente, Kate poderia ter tido alta do hospital aps um perodo de 48 horas, hora em que sua famlia teria chegado para visit-la (como ela menciona durante a visita de Max). Adesivo que aparece por engano na pgina sobre a Kate se ela morrer, devido a uma troca de nomes nos arquivos do jogo (Kate_scrapbook_dead). No chuveiro, Max presencia Victoria e Taylor mexendo com a Kate, com a primeira escrevendo o link do vdeo viral no espelho antes de ir embora. A lot of people are missing the point of the website though. Chega! She will text Max his room number (111) when she visits the boy's dorms later in the episode. I do like Kate Marsh, she's down the hall and in one of my classes. Saving Kate (Episode 2) A Guide for Life is Strange By: [UCSC] KaraThrace This guide will contain constant spoilers about one of the major choices of Episode 2, so consider yourself warned. You have to choose the M (matheus or how he is called) answer and not the P one. In Kate's hospital room in Episode 4, Max can find flowers from Taylor, which are yellow tulips. I just feel like nobody caressaid to Max in "Out of Time". No wonder they call it a "web" nothing can ever get out.said to Max in "Out of Time", I don't expect you to get in trouble for me. At the end of the episode, Kate is seen crying in her room during the snowstorm. She is also very grateful towards Max for coming up to the rooftop to talk to her because she was feeling lost and alone all the time, but Max's caring and trying showed her that she wasn't. (If you save her, she goes to the hospital in regard to her mental health. I have to make an effort to talk to her more often, maybe invite her to tea or a movie. provvel que Kate tenha sobrevivido tempestade no final Sacrificar Arcadia Bay, j que o hospital um prdio de concreto forte que poderia resistir a tempestade, diferente das construes de madeira que aparecem destrudas neste final. He talks about a rally in her honor, and tries to offer her help. The site and the video did exist. There is a poster in the girls' bathroom which reads "Abstinence makes the heart grow fonder", someone has vandalised it with graffiti which says: "Kate twerks for god". In the Dark Room, Kate's binder is one of the three viewable binders other than Rachel Amber's binder and Victoria's empty one. Academia Blackwell If she survived, Max will receive grateful texts from both her and her family members. I only got the bible quote the first time, but she jumped anyway, the second time I mentioned her mom and that had the same effect, but at the third time I tried I mentioned her dad she came down from the roof and she was safe, not sure if it works always, guess depending on your earlier actions. She's so pretty AND sweet and friendly. Explore the . All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. On the grounds of the Prescott Dormitory, Kate sits looking off into the distance alone on a bench. Max Caulfield aparenta ser muito amiga de Kate e cuida dela durante esta difcil situao. People with this totem are usually unpredictable, spontaneous, gentle, nurturing, observational, alert, clever, quick-witted, successful and good advisers. So here I've recorded most of the cutscenes from Life Is Strange 1 for people who want to make edits with it!- All my life is strange 1 scene packs are here: - I also have made a bunch of life is strange 3 (true colors) packs, which can be found here: packs were the easiest to record so far. Her birthday, which falls on Halloween, is just around the corner, and she hopes that this year will be a fresh start . As Kate remained unconscious most of the time, Jefferson decided to keep her alive. A seguir o que a Max escreveu sobre a Kate em seu dirio: "No quero criticar todo mundo. Ela tambm o informou sobre suas suspeitas de Kate estar sofrendo bullying, mas seu aviso foi aparentemente ignorado.[5]. Taylor has sent her pretty tulips. Mais tarde Kate estar muito agradecida, como mostrado em suas mensagens, embora isso no afete nada pelo resto do episdio, pois depois Max viaja no tempo mais uma vez. After Kate is saved, she will continue to appear in Max's story during Life is Strange. provvel que ambos sejam referncias , O nome do meio e o sobrenome de Kate podem ser uma referncia personagem Beverly Marsh do livro. Max comenta que ele est "muito emo", com as persianas fechadas, o espelho coberto, e desenhos depressivos espalhados no cho. Link to Kate Marsh Porn Video? After class, Max Caulfield investigates the paper thrown at Kate and spies the message, Dear Kate, we loved your porn video. Max, who is extremely happy to see her, will talk with her, noting that she seems happier since she attempted suicide. (Mateus 11:28). On her way outside, she runs past Warren ignoring him, while David Madsen is taking pictures of her. Eu entenderia se sim. Ela tenta usar seu poder para salv-la a tempo, mas acaba sofrendo vrias dores de cabea e sangramentos nasais no processo. Max comments that Kate's original drawings would be perfect for a children's book; so there is the possibility that Kate had aspired to have a career in published works. A new decal will appear on the page to cover the 'LiFE' graphic that was visible in the previous two episodes. If you select sisters, Max and Kate will talk about the latter's younger sibling Lynn. Na mesma noite, seu quarto foi selado com uma fita de isolamento. I don't think there is one proper way to save her I think it's a mixture of things you've done and what you say to her which will change if she jumps or not. During Mark Jefferson's class, Kate is hassled by Victoria Chase's friend, Taylor Christensen, who tosses a paper ball at her. Katie Apagada a mensagem, ela pode substitui-la pelo smbolo da paz. The Verdict. Por outro lado, ela. His first kill was Chloe. The story is intriguing and mysterious, and the colors and the atmospheres are . It is suggested in, Kate's favorite Bible quote is: "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." Appareantly, someone filmed it, and put it on the web. Kate was caught on camera kissing several strangers, and recalls none of it due to the drugs. This totem is furthermore a symbol of fertility, warmth, sexuality and luck. She comes from a heavily religious household and is consequently bullied at Blackwell Academy for her conservative views on sex and religion. Se Max no consegue salvar a Kate no Episdio 2, as bandeiras do lado de fora da Blackwell Academy permanecem completamente hasteadas. Her unusual behavior of kissing people on video and acting wildly could be attributed to the drugs, proving Kate's innocence. But note that opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Those who want to see Chloe and Max develop feelings for each other should ignore Kate's call instead. It's most likely that Kate's spirit animal is the rabbit, which is the animal connected to her the most as she has a pet rabbit. While in the shower, Max witnesses Victoria and Taylor harassing Kate, and writing the link to the viral video on the mirror. Talking to her, you can encourage her not to share the video any more.In the bathroom, Kate asks Max for her copy of \"The October Country \" back. Apesar de ser adulta, aposto que ela est "proibida" de ver filmes com classificao para maiores de 18 anos". Kate will then bring up how no one cares about her, but Max tries to bring up a member of her family, only her father and sisters will convince her while her mother and brother will not. All rights reserved. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Also, hospitals do usually have underground storm shelters, and Arcadia Bay is known to have a lot of bomb shelters.[8]. Further down the hall, Juliet Watson is watching Kate's video on her phone beside Brooke Scott. Pokemon Scarlet and Violet DLC Expansion Pass, if Max took a photo instead of intervening in Episode 1 or not, Games With Inclusive LGBTQ+ Romance Options, Life Is Strange: The Most Important Choices Youll Have To Make In The Game, Most Iconic Kid Detectives In Video Games, Hogwarts Legacy Couple Waste Over 2 Hours Trying to Open Locked Chest, You Probably Missed This Hogwarts Legacy Side Quest. Ohhh. Black and white together also give a sense of religious "uniform" due to the habits and veils of nuns and the collar and cassocks of priests.[7]. No fichrio, voc pode encontrar trs fotografias da Kate dopada, tiradas por Mark Jefferson. The whiteboards of hers and others in the girls dormitory have been rewritten by their respective owners in support of Kate's recovery, and Kate's social media page is full of supportive messages by a lot of Blackwell students including Victoria. Life is Strange . She has two younger sisters, one of them the 10-year-old Lynn Marsh. O coelho smbolo de vulnerabilidade, conforto e abundncia; tambm est associado a sentimentos, desejo e procriao. Kate vai embora chorando, e perde a aula de fotografia. T vendo? Cor dos Olhos Fica a critrio da escola decidir fazer isto em um ato de respeito. After Max puts her book down Kate asks if Nathan helped her or hurt her, and if she should call the police. Encouraging Kate to go to the police about Nathan, or suggesting she look for proof against him first during Episode 2 of Life is Strange directly impacts a huge moment later in the story. Morte Dayeanne Hutton (Ingls) Hana Takeda (Japons), 11 de outubro de 2013(presumido, determinante), Morta pela tempestade (presumido, determinante), Sra. Life is Strange Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Similar to Alice whose sanity becomes increasingly questionable the more time she spends in Wonderland, Kate becomes increasingly more unstable emotionally as the story goes on to the point where in the end she was willing to kill herself just to make it stop. DONTNOD were made aware of this inconsistency on 29th March 2017. She then says that Nathan Prescott said that he would take her to the hospital but is uncertain as to what happened afterwards. Se Max disser para ela ir polcia, ser mais fcil de salvar a Kate mais tarde. H uma foto das trs garotas juntas no quarto da Kate. Episdio 1: Chrysaslis Episdio 2: Out of Time Episdio 4: Dark Room (Determinante) Episdio 5: Polarized (Determinante) After class, Max Caulfield investigates the paper thrown at Kate and spies the message, "Dear Kate, we loved your porn video . A pgina do dirio da Max sobre a Kate muda no Episdio 3, dependendo se Max consegue salvar a vida dela ou no. Also, she had posters about advising on abstinence. Max notes that Nathan's name is not on the card from the Blackwell students. Sometime before the events of the LIS, she had very embarassing accident, when she was at Vortex Club's party. Se a Kate morrer, ocorrer uma cerimnia para ela s 14:00 de sbado, 12 de outubro. Ela teve problemas aps um lanamento de um vdeo viral da mesma beijando estranhos em uma festa do Clube Vortex, o que parece ter a abalado psicologicamente. Antes do ocorrido na festa do clube Vortex, Kate era muito amiga de Alyssa Anderson e Stella Hill; algo que Max no sabia.[6]. Max comments that it's \"way too emo\", with the blinds closed, mirror covered and depressing drawing on the floor. A nurse provided Kate with pencils and paper, and Kate started drawing children's illustrations again; planning on creating a new book about bullying. A sleepy town with a dark secret--and the three kids brave enough to uncover it. The journal sticker graphic that implies Kate is alive has been labeled Kate_scrapbook_dead, and the sticker graphic that implies that Kate is dead has been labeled Kate_scrapbook_alive. At Blackwell Academy, a distraught Kate will be seen talking to Mr. Jefferson for help, who will dismiss her. Kate uma adolescente gentil, simptica e tmida que no gosta de ser o centro das atenes. So far the only victim killed were Rachel, and that wasn't Jefferson's fault since Nathan gave her an overdose. She has to talk Kate down without the assistance of the Rewind. Quando sua famlia tomou conhecimento do vdeo, sua me se mostrou decepcionada com o comportamento dela e com sua falta de adeso aos ensinamentos cristos. Whilst in the Dark Room, Max uses her selfie taken at the beginning of the first episode and travels back to Jefferson's class where everything started. Following the incident, she consulted the school nurse who, concerned about Kate's current mental state, contacted Principal Wells to keep an eye on her. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. Provided that Kate survives the events of Episode 2, Max and Chloe will visit her in the hospital before going to the Prescott Dormitory to look for Nathan. After seeing a postcard by Victoria sent offering her help, Max can talk to Kate about Victoria's personality, speculating about either her insecurities or how bitchy she is. After Max enters the shower, Kate resumes brushing her teeth as Victoria and Taylor walk in and tell her about how much they enjoyed her viral video saying that she set a tongue record. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America). Principal Wells sent her an email wishing her a speedy recovery. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. To talk her down, Max needs to encourage Kate to be strong and beat the bullies who spread her viral video around as well as to have paid attention to items in Kate's room while returning the book to Kate and pointing out all those pertinent items that mean a lot to her (Kate's father or sister and her favorite Bible verse). Defending Kate from David, encouraging Kate in her initial decision to report the matter to the police and answering her phone call earlier are helpful, but she can be saved without making those actions by making the right dialog choices. O versculo preferido de Kate est destacado em um post-it dentro de sua Bblia; Mateus 11:28 - "Venham a mim, todos os que esto cansados e sobrecarregados, e eu darei descanso a vocs.". During Mark Jeffersons class, Kate is hassled by Victoria Chases friend, Taylor Christensen, who tosses a paper ball at her. Tulipas amarelas significam pensamentos esperanosos e positivos, e so um presente comum de melhoras. Alm disso, hospitais normalmente possuem abrigos subterrneos, e Arcadia Bay uma cidade conhecida por ter vrios abrigos nucleares.[8]. And anything you've done to help Kate (standing up from her. When word of her video reached her family, her mother expressed disappointment at her behavior and lack of adherence to her Christian upbringing. When they exited the dorm, they were greeted by the school faculty "like heroes".